Sunday, March 6, 2011

Flying Man-Eating Oranges

Up in the air
Flying in despair
With some blur of orangeish glow
are where the flying man-eating oranges flow

They dive into bakeries
And eat all the employees
They bullet into Ranches
And slurp up all the horses

Why the flying man-eating oranges do this
We know not, it is only a bliss
But what we do know is 
That if we do not run from these creatures of the acrocyanosis
We will surely be spat at with their orange utensils of doom 
And will drown in their moist delicious juices created for a boom


  1. Different but entertaining! haha it put a smile on my face!

  2. haha I love how you wrote about a man-eating orange. Who knew you could be so creative with an orange! :D

  3. Very intriguing. Definitely something I would have never thought of. I really like that you put the picture in as well for the poem.

  4. horse eating oranges.

  5. Oh my hilarious. This is what creative writing is made for! The idea was inspired. And like Aryana I've never thought of writing a poem about a picture. Very cool.
